About Me

My name is Essie Griffin and I'm a homeschooling mom of 3 who lives by a beautiful creek in the North East part of Maryland. I have loved to eat sourdough long before learning how enjoyable and relatively simple it was to make at home! Yes, it involves some thinking and planning but I really believe it's worth the effort. It's gentle on the stomach, compared to traditional bread, and full of good enzymes and lots of love. I made my own starter from scratch 4+ years ago and I finally can answer the question "do you have a hobby?" when asked. There are so many approaches to making sourdough and as a busy, working mom I needed the least complicated and most flexible option. Through lots of trial and error, and learning from others along the way, I have a method that I'd love to teach you. Let's continue this ancient tradition of making sourdough bread, together!